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Sunday Brunch

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Prime Rib Monday

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

$6 Margaritas

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Trivia Night

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

$6 Old Fashioneds

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Sunday Brunch

It's SUNDAY BRUNCH! Come see us!

Prime Rib Monday

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Come on down for (have you guessed what is coming next?) PRIME RIB!

Christmas Eve

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Need a respite from the shopping and wrapping? You’ll find just that at The War Mouth!


Merry Christmas! We sure hope Santa treats you well.

Boxing Day and $6 Old Fashioneds

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

It's Boxing Day, we've got $6 Old Fashioneds, and your name is written all over them.

Sunday Brunch

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

The Eggs Benedict tastes as good as it looks! Herman approves this message.  

Prime Rib Monday

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Our Bar opens at 4 pm and we start serving up the Prime Rib at 5 pm!

New Year’s Eve

The War Mouth 1209 Franklin Street, Columbia, SC, United States

We are open during our regular business hours on New Year's Eve. We'd love to see you before ringing in the New Year!